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Banking & Finance


Nearly three Billion people representing half of the world population live on less than two dollars a day.

Starting to reduce poverty in developing countries requires such simple parameters as good schools, clean water, sanitation, healthcare, safe roads but also macro and micro-economic development.

Many people in those countries make their living through self-employment because scarcity of regular salaried jobs. However a vast majority of them can never grow their micro enterprises and turn them into real businesses because of lack of opportunity. The opportunity to access some type of financial services which will help fuel their productivity and assist them with simple logistic coupled with supply chain.

With a small amount of working capital, many of them can escape survival mode, build successful small businesses and contribute to the overall economic development of their country. As a pioneering private sector company with innovative solutions for poverty reduction and economic growth, Rodav has partnered with top financial advisors and economic development experts to create efficient loan programs that leverage private capital to provide small business loans to micro entrepreneurs.

With our team of financial experts we raise capital and/ or find investors to finance projects such as schools, hospitals, bridges in developing countries.

For any project requiring financing, please contact us now for immediate consideration.