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Your privacy is very important to us and we have the highest respect for the confidentiality of your personal information. The information we receive depends on what you do while visiting our site. We will not obtain personally identifying information about you unless you choose to provide it. If you are browsing our site anonymously, we will automatically collect some non-identifying statistical information to help us measure which pages of our Web site are visited and how long visitors use the site. This information includes things such as your IP address, the time and date, pages entered and time spent on individual pages. Your IP address is not linked to anything personally identifiable.

Information Use

If you request information from us or wish to access certain features of the site, you will be asked to provide personally identifying information so that we can respond effectively to your requests and needs. We will never share your information with anyone who isn't directly related to providing service and support of RODAV, LLC. If you provide us with personal information, we may attempt to contact you occasionally to determine if our service meets your expectations, offer additional assistance or notify you about special promotions.