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Buying or building your own property abroad?

Starting a construction project in a developing country and trying to supervise all its phases from overseas is often a very complex and painful experience.

The most challenging task has always remained the same: finding a trustworthy agent capable of handling unequivocally all financial matters and managing efficiently the entire project from start to finish.

Family members are on top of the list of people not to get involved in such venture as they are known for being highly skilled at mishandling financial matters. This perennial problem finally has a solution thanks to Rodav. We have partnered with top real estate experts, financial consultants and experienced contractors to handle every phase of your entire project:

  • Creation of the construction idea
  • Control of the vacant site or undeveloped land
  • Completion of a preliminary feasibility study
  • Drawing of preliminary plans for your review
  • Financial analysis
  • Estimate of final total costs, direct and indirect
  • Beginning of actual construction
  • Completion of project within scheduled timeline and delivery

From a complete renovation of an existing property to a brand new construction our team of skilled developers design and build superb apartments, splendid houses, villas with hotel-styled amenities or futuristic condominiums with rooftop solar panels and state-of-the-art turbines to harness the power of the sun and the wind and channel it into usable energy.

Make a smart move and let Rodav bring your Real Estate vision to life.

For inquiry and pricing please contact us:

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