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Atlanta, Georgia. Oct. 24, 2014
Rodav, a Georgia corporation, won the bid to provide linked rural urgent care centers across Ivory Coast.

In an effort to provide cost effective, yet efficient turn key facilities to the rural population for their health care needs Rodav's team together with their American partner Epicenter, Inc. will be putting together forty eight linked buildings in Ivory Coast.
The project, based on an Indian model aims at bringing affordable health care to the most deprived populations using the power of applied Information technology. The main feature of the project is the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) for data acquisition, data transmission and report generation.
The solution being developed follows the principle of a user-centered design. It consists of PDAs, computers and communication technology devices designed and integrated with the specific goal of centralizing and sharing information while saving time and enabling quality health care service with a timely response to emergency conditions.
The total project set to last three years and evaluated around 22 millions US dollars will be completed in four phases. It is now underway with site evaluation and will be co-financed by three international organizations together with the Ivory Coast government.

Atlanta, Georgia. June. 7, 2011
Rodav, a Georgia corporation, to provide IT infrastructure to a developing African country.

Rodav, a full service financial management and technical consulting company headquartered in Georgia (USA) to provide the defense ministry of a developing country with the capability to share strategic information among different platforms and to improve tactical and situational awareness between units.

The challenge was to provide a centralized data solution linking various platforms for rapid access to information. Rodav with the help of industry renowned partners submitted a proposal to implement a data link processing program with real time data acquisition, enhancement and automation resulting in a continuous monitoring and update of all connected hardware's. The solution's group includes our development team at the Rodav center of excellence in India working together with local experts.
"We are pleased to be able to provide the right solution. Our approach combined with our knowledge of the developing markets needs, made the difference by putting together the right solution with the appropriate team; the total combination clearly shows our savoir-faire once again " added Mr. Khalaf, Chief Information Officer of Rodav. The project is scheduled to be completed two years from now with step stage deliveries.

Atlanta, Georgia. Dec. 18, 2006
Rodav, a Georgia corporation delivered twenty two vehicles for election monitoring in West Africa.

Rodav, a full service financial management and technical consulting company headquartered in Georgia (USA) has successfully completed the delivery of 22 all terrain vehicles, to support the upcoming election in a West African country.
The fleet included 7 armored vehicles with CEN B6 ballistic certification, one of the highest recognized vehicle resistance levels of protection.

"Due to the expeditious nature of the request and budgetary constraint we feel very positive about the completion of this assignment. Our expertise in choosing the right vehicles and our ability to provide spare parts and local repair facilities coupled with our acclaimed train-the-trainer approach made the project a smooth and satisfactory experience for our clients" says Mr. Dzose, President of Rodav.