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Real Estate

Real Estate is always a consistently prosperous market everywhere including in developing countries. Moreover, the introduction of the Euro currency and the booming low-cost airline business are making it very easy for Europeans and Americans to invest in Real Estate abroad. Thanks to a heavily discounted plane ticket, a German couple or a Latvian family can fly to their second residence in Barcelona or enjoy the splendors of Paris for a weekend.

We understand those dynamics and we know that the key factors involved in a successful operation of both commercial and residential real estate development and property management are a strong market demand and a sturdy financial commitment coupled with the expertise of savvy professionals.

We offer a comprehensive consultancy and advice on any real estate development project with focus on market and financial analysis, development strategies and financial structuring for both public and private sector clients.

With our multidisciplinary and strategic advisory team of experts, we provide innovative solutions on complex property and land-related matters as well as town and environmental planning and urban development.

Our typical real estate development operations cover construction, sales or rental of such properties as:

  • Apartments, studios, houses
  • Condominiums, Villas, Lofts
  • Office Buildings Construction
  • Retail Units Development
  • Hotels, restaurants, bar & lounges Projects
  • Multifamily Houses
  • Industrial Constructions
  • Schools, Universities, Educational Centers

Follow the links below for more information or pricing about our real estate services:

Short Term Rentals

Long Term Rentals


Properties’ Gallery